Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education Research and Learning Summer Camp Arrives at Shaanxi North Folk Culture Grand View Park to Visit and Study

2023-11-13 18:09:19release

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Research summer camp

2023July of the year21On the same day, the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Education organized the "Escort Growth and Build Dreams for the Future" public welfare research summer camp to arrive at the Shaanxi North Folk Culture Grand View Park.

course arrangement


In this study, we led the students to explore the mysteries of knowledge, cultivate practical skills, and stimulate their creativity and teamwork abilities. The following is our research course schedule.



Course content

Willow weaving
Willow weaving is a traditional Chinese folk handicraft made by hand weaving willow or rattan as raw materials. Its origin can be traced back to the early Paleolithic period, and it is one of the indispensable living utensils in people's daily lives.





Noodle flower

Mianhua is even more exaggerated in terms of design, with exquisite decoration, rich colors, and rich spiritual connotations. It has unique aesthetic value and expresses the people's prayers for a better life and their admiration for life







The traditional performance form of Shaanbei storytelling is for artists to use Shaanbei dialect and hold three strings to play and sing, with alternating storytelling. The melody of Shaanbei storytelling is vigorous, rough, beautiful, and full of changes, known as the "Nine Tunes and Eighteen Tunes".


Visiting the Folk Museum

The Shaanbei Folk Culture Exhibition Hall is known as the "Intangible Cultural Protection Center of Shenmu County" and the "Folk Culture Communication Base". We use a combination of visual exhibition and physical arrangement, character shaping and scene simulation, as well as a combination of indoor arrangement and outdoor scenery to showcase representative folk customs in northern Shaanxi.


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customer service telephone numbers:0912-8308060

contact us

Consultation hotline:0912-8308123

Contact address: Shuangzhai Gou Bank, Mugualiang Village, Jiejiabao Township, Shenmu City, Shaanxi Province

Copyright Shenmu Shanbei Folk Culture Grand View Park Co., Ltd. Registration number: Shaanxi ICP preparation19002682Number