The "Sunshine Youth" Summer Camp in Daguan Garden is here! Youth quality expansion summer camp+swimming crash course! Give your child a chance to transform and improve! Hurry up and take action!

2023-11-13 18:03:55release

大观园“阳光少年”summer camp

Swimming crash course is here

One grinding

A team collaboration

One potential development

A borderless exploration

A journey without parental companionship

A Different Summer

A different summer vacation

Enable children to achieve transformation

Do children have these problems?


Then quickly let the child join
大观园“阳光少年”summer camp
Youth quality expansion summer camp+swimming crash course

Give the child a key
Help children open their hearts
Understanding oneself
Building Confidence
Explore potential

Give the child a stage
Enable children to fully demonstrate
Feeling happy
Feeling Passion
Feeling successful

Give the child a chance
Let children experience survival
Value learning
Cherish time
Understand gratitude

Give the child a test
Let children experience hardship
Temper one's will
Control emotions
Learn to persist

Give us a chance
Here's a miracle for you
You will reap a surprise from your child!

Seven days and six nights
Can change a child's life
Make ordinary children excellent
Let excellent children become elites!

青少年素质拓展summer campWhat does it bring to the child?

暑假青少年素质拓展summer camp是一个让孩子不断学习新知识,开阔视野,提高各方面综合素质和能力的平台,是一个能为你增加生活磨练,提高独立自主能力,为人生旅途上增添一笔无形财富,增长阅历和见识、培养多角度的思维习惯,为孩子搭建互助、友爱、沟通、交流的环境。

1、孩子参加青少年素质拓展summer camp活动本身就是一件挺有意义的事情。summer camp是一个集体的活动,有老师和同学们一起去参加,会互相照顾,互相担待的,这样也可以让孩子接触一下集体生活。
2. It can help children communicate more with others and deepen their friendships.
3. You can encourage children to participate in collective activities and make them realize the importance of a collective. Everyone is a member of the collective, and whether you know them or not, when they encounter problems, the collective will help them solve them.
4. It can enhance children's observation ability and enrich their world, rather than just being confined to television or various tutoring classes.
5、可以让孩子增加安全防护知识。在参加summer camp的活动过程中老师发现一些不对的地方,老师会及时的指出来,告诉孩子应该怎么做,得以修正孩子的行为。
6、可以增强孩子的动手能力:孩子平常在家里面可以做的事情肯定是不多的,通过summer camp活动的参与,通过与同学游戏,可以让孩子的动手能力增强。
7、可以使得孩子的视觉开阔,陶冶孩子的情操。通过summer camp的活动,孩子接触到了许多和自己在家不一样的世界。
8. It can help children learn responsibility and gratitude, understand the love of parents, teachers, and others, discover love, feel love, and so on.

PART1 summer camp/特色

Unique: A special training camp targeting "personality, beliefs, habits" as the training goal.
Professional: A professional training venue and coach.
◆ Diversity: The rich teaching courses at the campsite will definitely surprise you.
◆ Safety: The most professional staff ensures your safety.
◆ System: Advanced experiential learning and guided training.

summer camp内容详情

一、青少年素质拓展summer camp

By carrying out activities such as high-altitude bridge breaking, invincible tanks, real person CS, ceramic art experience, folk culture museum exhibitions, animal shelter in breeding farms, fashion shows, picnics, outdoor camping, etc., children's summer life is enriched, their experiences and insights are increased, their thinking habits from multiple perspectives are cultivated, and an environment for mutual assistance, friendship, communication, and exchange is built for children.


2、 Swimming crash course

By learning the basic knowledge of swimming, children can gain a preliminary understanding of swimming and master a survival skill.


PART2 summer camp/课程安排


PART3 summer camp/保障

1、 Management guarantee

Implement strict living regulations, militarize and implement closed management, with coaches, instructors, and counselors24Hourly shift following system.

2、 Curriculum guarantee

The curriculum design is both distinctive and in line with the age characteristics of teenagers; The teaching staff is composed of professional instructors and experts who have been focusing on quality education research in primary and secondary schools for many years, providing strong guarantees for curriculum implementation.

3、 Catering support

Three meals in the morning, middle, and evening, each based on the physical characteristics of teenagers, emphasizing dietary science and adjusting the variety and variety. High temperature disinfection of tableware for each meal; Ensure the nutrition and hygiene of each camper's diet. The dining venue is the Grand View Garden Restaurant.

4、 Accommodation guarantee

Expand training dedicated rooms, with clean and hygienic accommodation, shower air conditioning, comfort and safety.

5、 Purchase insurance

Unified purchase of full course accident insurance.


PART4 summer camp/报名须知

Enrollment targets

7—16Teenagers who are one year old

(Healthy body, no history of heart disease, asthma, allergies, febrile seizures, neurological diseases, etc.)

Number of restricted reporting personnel

50Person/Period(20People form a group)

Opening time

2023Phase 1:7month20day至7month26day

2023Phase 2:7month28day至8month3day

2023Phase 3:8month5day至8month11day

Camp address

Shenmu Shanbei Folk Culture Grand View Park

Sunshine Quality Talent Education and Training Base

Registration fee

Summer camp+swimming class:2680Yuan/person(7Days and nights) 

summer camp:2280Yuan/person(不参加游泳)

Swimming class:880Yuan/person(不参加summer camp) 

  & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

Summer camp+swimming class团队
Preferential policies;
5A group of people2380Yuan/person
10A group of people2180Yuan/person

Here, it's not just talk on paper!
Here is a life experience!
Here, it is a leap of growth!

报名Consultation hotline

Teacher Hu:17612991199(微信同Number)

Registration address

Shenmu Shanbei Folk Culture Grand View Park


咨询/投诉/customer service telephone numbers

Consultation hotline:0912-8308123

Complaint hotline:0912-8308060

customer service telephone numbers:0912-8308060

contact us

Consultation hotline:0912-8308123

Contact address: Shuangzhai Gou Bank, Mugualiang Village, Jiejiabao Township, Shenmu City, Shaanxi Province

Copyright Shenmu Shanbei Folk Culture Grand View Park Co., Ltd. Registration number: Shaanxi ICP preparation19002682Number